Main, Juvenile Fiction, J FIC FUNK Ghost 2, Available. 2. Place Hold. Book. Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost! / Cornelia Funke;[translated Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Ghosthunters #1: Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost Book Trailer Tom finds a ghost in the cellar who is haunted an bigger, scarier, and incredibly revolting ghost! Read more in Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost Cornelia Funke. Ghosthunters and the incredibly revolting ghost Item Preview remove-circle (Incredibly Revolting Ghost) from an old house A horrible day - Teased and scorned - Hetty Hyssop - Slimy trails in the dark - A terrible story - A serious problem - The book of ghosts - A wailing and gnashing of teeth - A bucketful of graveyard dirt Ghosthunters and the incredibly revolting ghost! Cornelia Caroline Funke; 1 edition; First published in 2007; Subjects: Ghosts, Juvenile Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost! No. 1 Cornelia Funke (2006, Paperback) at the best online prices at Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost! Book Review. Certainly, this is actually the very best job any author. It really is rally exciting throgh studying I picked up ghosthunters and the incredibly revolting ghost cornelia funke foon kah at our local library along with stack of other books book 2 in the. In addition, there is an inconsistency in the treatment of ghosts (the Incredibly Revolting Ghost is characterized as an emotionless, otherworldly entity to be destroyed while Hugo gets a full backstory and sympathetic portrayal) that may confuse readers, leaving them uncertain about the direction of the forthcoming series. This excerpt is from Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost Cornelia Funke. It all began on one of those days one of those stupid days when absolutely everything goes wrong. First thing in the morning, when Tom tried to put on his jeans, he found that his darling sister had knotted the legs. Under her expert tutelage, Tom learns the tools of the trade -which just happen to include buckets of graveyard dirt -and soon finds he has to face down not just the Averagely Spooky Ghost (ASG) in his basement but the Incredibly Revolting Ghost (IRG) in town. Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost! Under her expert tutelage, Tom learns the tools of the trade -which just happen to include buckets of graveyard dirt -and soon finds he has to face down not just the ASG (Averagely Spooky Ghost) in the basement but the IRG (Incredibly Revolting Ghost) in town. All while keeping the nettlesome Lola off his trail Celebrity Patricia Reilly Giff Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost! Cornelia Funke Ghosts in Fourth Grade Constance Hiser The Good, the Ghosthunters and the Incredibly Revolting Ghost. [Cornelia Funke; John Beach] - Look out for ghost goo! Dripping sticky green slime wherever it goes, an "ASG" (that's Averagely Spooky Ghost) is
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